Step 4 - Literature Guide - A Christmas Carol

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Step 4 Lit Guide - A Christmas Carol.jpg

Step 4 - Literature Guide - A Christmas Carol

  • Complete, ready to use!
  • Book included inside the course!
  • Makes reading fun!
  • Develops literacy, vocabulary!
  • Introduces some history, geography!
  • Develops critical thinking!

I taught a literature class in my homeschool co-op using two Steps Literature Guides, Sherlock Holmes stories and The Time Machine. The Literature Guides are very easy to use. The lesson structure made scheduling and assigning homework very simple. We used the lesson questions to stimulate class discussion and I was impressed with the contributions that the students made during class. I look forward to continuing to use Steps products!  L.F., Homeschool Teacher
"Marley was dead, to begin with..."

With these words, perhaps the most popular novel of all time sets a great and frightening adventure in motion. The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge and his encounter one night with four ghosts has thrilled and moved audiences for over 150 years. It has been adapted into hundreds of movies, plays, musicals, and other performance media. No single story has been presented in more forms, or as often.

No book in history is more loved. Here's a truly complete guide that will help your student, ages 9-adult, understand this book as few readers ever do. 

The history of the period of time is explained, so that the student understands why Dickens wrote the book, and what he was trying to say to his readers about their time (and ours). Charles Dickens' personal history is also explored, and the student relates what he's learned about Dickens' life to the story, and how Dickens' own experience helped to create this masterpiece. The history of the book itself, its publishing successes is considered.

Important devices in writing are explored and explained, such as the message of a piece (the idea the author wishes to communicate and earn agreement for), plotting, characterization, conflict, language, irony, the use of surrogates (characters representing the author and his/her point of view within the story), and other tools. New understandings of the tools of good story-telling are then used by the student to analyze and understand the story.

No additional materials are needed. The entire book is contained in the course, broken into chapters.

Before reading each chapter, the student looks though the simple, single definition that applies, for every key or difficult word used in that chapter. This will allow the student to understand what he reads the first time he reads it. ( WARNING – This course does require some serious literacy . The student's vocabulary is bound to grow, given the number of terms defined. ) Locations mentioned in each chapter are also listed before the reading starts, and they are located by the student on maps or globes. In this way, the student will know where those places are in the world when encountering them in the story.

After each reading section, the student is provided numerous exercises which demand cognitive and critical thinking on the student's part. The exercises help make the story more relevant to the student, and increase his understanding of the story and its unique values.

We even provide some links to film and/or other presentations of the piece being studied!

This is a complete study guide, one that will bring this great work to life, and which should help interest the student in literature and in the great works of perhaps the finest of all authors of novels, Charles Dickens.

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