FREE Step 2-3-4 Why Should I Study Course

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Step 2-3-4 Why Should I Study cover.jpg

FREE Step 2-3-4 Why Should I Study Course


A FREE course, and the very first course your student, age 7-adult, should do in Steps. What’s more, EVERY student ages 7-up, no matter how much of Steps (or other studies) they’ve done, should start the new semester with this course, and do it again at the start of each semester. (You’ll see why in a moment!)

Almost every form of education fails (including Steps, until now) right at the start of a person’s education, to do several things. 1) Define what education is, exactly. And 2) Allow the student to determine why he/she should be educated, a highly personal decision which, once made, can seriously motivate a student to make an effort, so long as that decision is entirely the student’s.

This FREE course leads the student to these game-changing realizations, and it does so quickly. Most students will do it in under two days of study. Its five lesson plans are carefully designed to define basics like “education”, “learning”, “study”, and perhaps most important to the student, “purpose” - as in the student’s purpose for receiving an education, which the student proceeds to hone and sharpen. The end result should be a student better aware of what education is, and why they want to participate in their own education.

So, why do this every six months or so? because we all change. Young people can change their interests and goals very quickly, and we’d like the student to remain motivated and involved in their own education. They should be allowed regularly to define or re-define their reason for working on an education, for themselves.

This FREE course is the missing link in Steps! Start the semester, and every semester with it.

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