Step 4 - Science 1 - Advanced Science Basics

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Step 4 - Science 1 - Advanced Science Basics

  • Develops literacy, vocabulary!
  • Secular LAB science!
  • Introduces and explores critical concepts in science!
  • Hands-on activities make science relevant to the student!
  • Develops critical thinking skills!
  • Develops study in a self-determined manner!
  • Lesson plans are complete and ready to use!  Start now!

My daughter has friends who are public schooled and home schooled. All her friends made positive comments on her (Steps) course.  One of her public schooled friends asks every visit to see what is new in the science notebook.  She says my daughter “gets to learn so much more” than she ever learns.  K.O., Homeschool Mom

Science for Step 4 students, ages 11-adult.

What is science? What must the student understand to really grasp science, before embarking on a profound study of its branches? Learn the basics which most science studies never cover, while performing many hands-on experiments, and answering thought-provoking questions.

The first Step 4 science course. Take the first step into a real understanding of science! A self-contained course, no text book needed. Tests, answer guides, and a comprehensive teacher's guide are included! A remarkable, creative starting point toward a real understanding of science.

How can a student be expected to study a subject if he has no idea what that subject is? How can he study a subject, unaware of its most basic ideas and rules, the ideas that later, complicated concepts will be based on? The answer is that they CAN'T be expected to study such a subject with any great success. This may be more true of science (and the arts) than other subject.

Can a student afford to not understand science, in today's world? We recognize that there are conflicting belief systems out there, some at odds with the assumptions made by the scientific community. At Steps, we think it's a good idea for the student to understand all of the great forces shaping modern life, which include politics and religion, covered with great care and thoroughness in our history courses, and science, covered by our secular science courses. We feel that such information is indispensable to a student's well-being.

Our science courses are painstaking, filled with fun and informative exercises in nearly every lesson plan, providing the student a greater sense of science and how it works every day. Advanced Science Basics sets the student up for college-level studies in Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology (weather), Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, using simple, easy-to-do, but profound exercises and ideas. The course utilize the unique methods consistent to all Steps courses, which assist the student study and master materials often believed to be too complex for students at the given age level (Many Step 4 students can complete and understand "college level materials", using our approach!)

This course helps the student understand science and its value in today's world. STEPS Step 4 Science is a three-four year program, comprised of eight courses. This Science Basics Course is the first in the program. These courses are BEST done in sequence, but do not need to be. A student requiring a particular course to round out curriculum could use any of our courses. These cover science basics, biology, oceanography, meteorology (the study of weather and of the atmosphere), biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy and space exploration, and a science review and project course which is best done after considerable study in science.

But it all starts with the basics.  The tools of science.  What science is and how it works.  In other words, easily the best place to start your student's science studies is this course.

In Advanced Science Basics , the student is given a complete grounding in the essential principles of the Scientific Method and the Law of Cause and Effect, and develops the tools he will need to experience the adventure of science. The student is provided an overview of science. The student is shown, through the information offered and by his own experience, that all science is based on the ability to categorize ideas and objects, grounded in observation and measurement. He learns the difference between pure and applied science. He is shown the strength and weakness of logic as a scientific tool. The student studies the principles of structure, form and function as methods of classification.

Once these concepts have been thoroughly experienced by the student through dozens of hands-on activities, the student is ready to look at the "tree" of science, and investigate its main branches; Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Physics and Astronomy. This course thoroughly sets up an Upper School student for their future studies in science, providing the needed tools to approach this sometimes daunting subject with authority and confidence.

Tests are provided after significant areas have been studied. Answer Guides come with the course, for the teacher's use, as well as a teacher's guide to assist teacher and student in this first serious approach to science. The Teacher Guide contains prompts and tools which will help the homeschool parent/tutor, or any teacher "unstick" a stuck student at any point in the course, and is an invaluable tool.  No student should ever get stuck at the beginning of a study. This course requires no additional materials.

Our courses often include films and documentaries (which are NOT provided with the course, but are easily secured in libraries or over the internet.). Additionally, the student will perform literally hundreds of experiments and exercises, as the world he lives in, and the universe which surrounds it, becomes increasingly comprehensible.

Covered in this course:

  • Observation
  • The Scientific Method
  • Facts vs. Beliefs, and Proofs
  • Theory
  • Experimentation
  • Cause and Effect
  • An Overview of Science
  • Categorization of areas of science
  • Pure Science and Applied Science
  • Logic, Structure, Form and Function
  • The branches of science
  • Measurements in science and how they're used

I have been using your science and creative writing curriculum since 2013. I absolutely love it. It's thorough, simple, and straight-forward. My daughter is the smartest 11 year old I know. Thank you for your dedication to quality and value. 
 L.R., Homeschool Mom (2017)
I really like STEPS, and appreciate their approach to learning. My 2 oldest children did this course, with minimal input from me. I observed and guided and monitored, but they did the work. A great way to learn the basics of science, and personal responsibility.  C.A., Homeschool Mom
I have been doing STEPS curriculum and it's the best curriculum I've ever done. I'm actually learning things and having fun, too. Instead of just memorizing, doing the test, then forgetting and moving on, I really learn and remember the information. Also, I enjoy the way that the courses are written. I like how words are defined, use what you just learned (or are about to learn more about) in exercises, then watching documentaries, or doing other exercises having to do with the subject. Overall, I can safely say this is awesome stuff!   W.H., Student, Age 12
I really learned a lot on this course. I also had fun on it. I especially started winning at this course toward the end where I learned more about science than I ever could have in public school. This is a great course and I can't wait to start the next one!  
C.G., Student, Age 12
Advanced Science Basics taught me about different types of science. I learned about cause and effect and the steps to figuring out something - how things work. I learned about applied science and pure science. I learned that many scientists don't agree on things. They each have their own theories. I learned about the major branches of science, the differences between them, and how they all become applied sciences.  
C.M., Student, age 16
Before I didn't really like doing science, so I was falling behind. Now I love science and it is so much fun. I get a lot done and I will be one of the first to finish! This curriculum is so awesome, you get so much more out of it than you would with anything else.   J.C., 15 year-old student
I wanted to say thank you to Steps for his wonderful program! My daughter had homeschooled from 5th grade until 9th when she wanted to return to public schools. I think I mentioned before we had just found your awesome program at the very end of her 8th grade year and loved it so I had purchased her 9th grade curriculum BEFORE she decided to go back! Lol. Well, after 3 card markings of not really understanding what she learned (getting A's & B's on worksheets, failing tests) she decided she wanted to come home where she actually learned. I was thrilled to finally get to use the wonderful Steps program! We started a couple weeks ago and earlier this week she had her first test in science. She not only did PERFECTLY, she did it with no hesitation!! She understood what she was taught! And on her own, for the most part! So I thank you for sharing this wonderful program that you developed for your family so the rest of us can enjoy it with ours! 
H.F-N, Homeschool Mom

After doing the creative writing courses, I felt I was ready to conquer the world of writing and literature!  It has always been a favorite subject of mine in school, but something always pulled me back.  I would have the inspiration to write a story, but I couldn't quite ever put it into words.  But after I did the creative writing course, I realized how simply and utterly uncomplicated it was to JUST WRITE, without all the considerations that it wouldn't turn out well, people would think it was stupid, etc.  It actually turned out nearly flawless every time!

The science course (Step 4 Science 1) helped me in various surprising ways as well: I never quite understood what I could study in science, and what I did learn in science would never come in handy in my daily life.  But when I did this course, I realized how often we use science everyday!  And I got the BASIC concepts of science, without getting into excruciating details. Now I'm extremely interested in scientific things. You have made home schooling easy, interesting and fun!   S.G., 15 year-old Homeschool Student
My daughter has been studying the Steps curriculum for nearly 3 years. She is nearly done with the science courses and 2/3rds of the way through the history program. For me, this curriculum is a dream come true.

As a home schooling parent, it has become obvious to me that a good curriculum is the hub around which the successful home schooling program revolves. One can be a superb teacher and have an excellent relationship and great communication with a child, but with a weak curriculum, both parent and child soon become discouraged and frustrated. For the one and one-half years of home schooling we did prior to finding the Steps program, I was constantly searching for good books, materials and curricula. While there is a lot on the market, the majority of it, in my opinion, is poorly written, insufficiently researched or boring.

Steps is a home run. Not only has my daughter gained a basic college level understanding of the sciences including geology, oceanography, meteorology, biology, chemistry and physics and the entire time line of history, geography, government, religion, philosophy and art, but she can also think on her own, form her own conclusions and research any subject imaginable. She has become an independent student.

Additionally, the curriculum is so fascinating, our entire family is learning along with my daughter, including my 91 year-old mother-in-law, who lives with us and greatly enjoys the materials. She reads everything she can get her hands on. From Homer to Shakespeare and tidal waves to black holes, no stone is left unturned for Steps graduates who, I believe, will make a difference because they can understand problems and envision solutions. Steps  is making this world a better place.

My deepest appreciation to Steps for caring enough to research and author these amazing materials.   
A.B., Homeschool Mom,
For years I had been trying to find a science curriculum that would "fit" our family. I was at my wits end when I stumbled upon Steps.

My daughter recently finished the Step 4 - Science 1 - Advanced Science Basics. The material is written directly to the student in an easy to understand way. The writing style is so pleasing, that initially I was afraid that my daughter would not be learning enough. However, when I looked at the tests provided with the course, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much material was covered. Somehow I guess I had been indoctrinated with the thought that learning had to be painful.

We look forward to continuing with the rest of Step 4 Science Series. I'm so happy that I don't have to put the time and effort into making our own science program. Thank you!   D.W., Homeschool Mom
This is the first Step 4 science course you should use when starting this excellent curriculum. It teaches what science is and gives an excellent overview of the scientific method, the branches of science, and why we do science in the first place. I highly recommend this course and this curriculum!  K.B., Homeschool Mom
Just wanted to say thanks once again! My DS14 has gone from 'hating' school science to now being fascinated and actually considering aiming for a career in zoology eventually! For a kid who had no goals at all as far as further education he's now excited when he talks about working with animals in the future. Your science curriculum has shown him that science doesn't need to be boring and dry. We now have big long discussions about all kinds of scientific theories and chemical reactions.

He was just in his bedroom doing his creative writing and all I could hear were chuckles. It's so exciting to see him enjoying learning! I never thought I'd ever see this. He wrote a 1400 word essay the other day because he just didn't want to stop!  
A.R., Homeschool Mom
I really learned a lot on this course. I also had fun on it. I especially started winning at this course toward the end where I learned more about science than I ever could have in public school. This is a great course and I can't wait to start the next one!
 C.G., Student, Age 12
Advanced Science Basics taught me about different types of science. I learned about cause and effect and the steps to figuring out something - how things work. I learned about applied science and pure science. I learned that many scientists don't agree on things. They each have their own theories. I learned about the major branches of science, the differences between them, and how they all become applied sciences.

C.M., Student, age 16
Before I didn't really like doing science, so I was falling behind. Now I love science and it is so much fun. I get a lot done and I will be one of the first to finish! This curriculum is so awesome, you get so much more out of it than you would with anything else.  
 J.C., 15 year-old student
I really like Steps, and appreciate their approach to learning. My 2 oldest children did this course, with minimal input from me. I observed and guided and monitored, but they did the work. A great way to learn the basics of science, and personal responsibility. 
 C. A., Homeschool Mom
My 9 year old daughter is absolutely loving this course.  She loves the hands on lessons and is having a blast while learning so much. She is so excited with it right now that it's all she wants to work on these days. Thanks for an engaging and fun course. 
 S. W., Homeschool Mom
This course was the most amazing science course I have ever done, mainly because of the way it was written, all the hard words are listed out with correct definitions and this makes it so I understood this course perfectly. D.C., student
Before I didn't like doing science because I didn't like the book they used to teach, so I fell behind.  Now I love science, it is so much fun, I get a lot done!  This curriculum is so awesome, you get so much more out of it then with anything else.  .C., student

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